HumanN encourages the submission of research proposals from scientists interested in using products produced by HumanN to further our understanding of their mechanisms of action and/or to identify new applications for their use.  HumanN is also interested in research proposals that may help in the develop of new and novel nutritional products that will help improve quality of life, particularly for individuals 30 years of age and older. Research proposals related to product marketing will also be considered.

  1. Research Proposal

    The research proposal should not exceed 6 pages, 12-point Arial font, ¾” margins. The following should be addressed in the proposal (note, the 6 pages limit is only for the research proposal section)

    1. Hypotheses to be tested
    2. Background information supporting the hypotheses 
    3. Methods including defining participant population to be tested and recruitment procedures, experimental design, research plan, power analysis, description of research tests and tissue analyses to be used, and statistical procedures, limitations of the study
    4. Proposed outcomes and significance of each
    5. Provide a time-line with relevant milestones
    6. Delivery of the final report should be listed on the project time-line
  2. Detailed budget

    1. Salary and fringe benefits for PI and co-PIs and researchers 
    2. Supplies and chemicals
    3. Equipment 
    4. Participant compensation
    5. Travel
    6. Publication costs
    7. Indirect costs – HumanN limits indirect costs to a maximum of 23.5%. Total cost (including indirect cost) should not exceed $175,000 per year.  Duration of the grant should not exceed 2 years.  
  3. Provide a description of research team and facilities 

    1. Members of the team and qualifications
    2. Available research equipment related to the research project
    3. Description of laboratory space 
    4. Availability of participant pool
  4. Biosketch/Bibliography for principal investigator (please use the format for the NIH Non-Fellowship Biosketch and limit to 5 pages). 

  5. Literature cited for back ground information. Each reference must include authors, title, journal, volume, page numbers and year of publication

All proposals will be reviewed within a month from the date they are received.  

Proposals should be sent via email to